LISA TOTH SALINAS is a Texas-based genealogist, poet and author of Smallest Leaf (2015), awarded the Eakin Manuscript Prize. Her research focuses on the Catholic roots of her Hungarian, Croatian & Irish immigrant ancestors and their lives in the Northeastern United States (New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts). Lisa has produced two webinars for Legacy Family Tree and is author of three QuickGuides™: Catholic Genealogy, Hungarian Genealogy, and Croatian Genealogy. One of the original genealogy bloggers, she started three blogs in 2007 to tell the stories of the various branches of her family tree. Lisa’s poems, which often feature the lives of her ancestors, have appeared or are forthcoming in multiple journals and anthologies including Encore: Prize Poems, Presence Journal, St. Austin Review, Odes & Elegies: Eco-Poetry from the Texas Gulf Coast, Through Layered Limestone: A Texas Hill Country Anthology of Place, Texas Poetry Calendar, and Keystone: Contemporary Poets on Pennsylvania. Lisa’s work has been featured twice within the collaborative poetry/visual art exhibit Color:Story.
To learn more about Lisa’s work (poetry, genealogy, and how it all ties together), tune in to this Poetry Society of Texas Podcast Episode featuring her conversation with fellow poet Courtney O’Banion Smith:
Follow Lisa on Instagram and Twitter and here at smallestleaf.com.